We've been talking in class lately about the status of photographs as evidence in legal and cultural arenas, and the role of visuality and visual culture in practices of state violence. I came across this article and thought you all might be interested in the connections.
"Solider 'Kill Team' in Afghanistan Photographed Victims" by Spencer Ackerman, Wired Magazine
wow- I really am upset and i feel helpless- the people that are supposed to be protecting our country and cruel and unfair- they are bullying everyone around and they should be punished for it. In the same token- I understand the decision to not make these photos public. They will outrage everyone and cause unnecessary violent reactions from the poeple of this countrya nd the people of all other countries. The sad thing is that most of these military people are brainwashed intot hinking that they are doing whats right for their country- and discounting the fact that they are destroying innocent peoples lives-