I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE ASSIGNMENTS. Turn your work in on time.
Always keep a copy of every assignment you do—never turn in your only copy of an assignment.
This is a writing intensive course and your ability to communicate effectively in written form comprises a large portion of your success in the class. You are expected to put together thoughtful, engaged, and well-written assignments. All assignments should be double spaced, use 12 point Times New Roman font, have 1 inch margins, be stapled, correctly cite all quotations and ideas, and correctly use the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. If you are not familiar with this format, I suggest you get a copy of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition (copies are in the bookstore and library). In addition, all papers should make a clear and compelling argument, contain a thesis statement, and use textual evidence and exposition to back up such arguments.
If you feel unsure of your writing skills, or need help with a particular assignment, please visit
The Writing Center in Thaw Hall M-2 (http://www.english.pitt.edu/writingcenter/index.html). The center is open Monday-Friday, and all of its services are FREE!
Plagiarism is the representation of someone else’s ideas, quotations, or research as your own. It also includes using your own papers for more than one class without explicit consent of the instructors (yes, you can plagiarize yourself). Examples of plagiarism are: buying a paper written by someone else, quoting and/or summarizing an author’s argument without correctly citing them, using ideas found on websites for your own paper without correctly citing them, “borrowing” a classmate’s ideas for your own paper, etc. PLAGIARISM IS NOT TOLERATED AND WILL CONSTITUTE AN IMMEDIATE FAILURE OF THE ASSIGNMENT AND POSSIBLY THE COURSE. Instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Student Judicial System at my discretion.
Disabilities and Accommodations:
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, please contact both me and Disability Resources and Services ASAP: 140 William Pitt Union, 412-648-7890 or 412-383-7355 (TTY). I will do everything possible to arrange this with you.
I will use email to communicate with you outside of class, so make sure you check your Pitt email account regularly. Feel free to email me whenever you have a question or want to discuss something from the course. When assignments come due, I will answer emails about that assignment UP TO 24 HOURS before the time that the assignment is due (for example, if an assignment is due at 5:00 PM on Thursday, I will answer emails about that assignment up to 5:00 PM on Wednesday).
Class Policies:
- I do not mind if you bring laptops to class AS LONG AS YOU ARE TAKING NOTES ON
THEM ONLY. Browsing social networking sites, websites, or doing other activities during class will result in your laptop being banned from the classroom.
- Turn off all cellphones, iPods, and personal electronic devices during class. I’ll do the same.
- You are welcome to eat or drink during class as long as it is not disruptive (and it’s always
nice to share)
Course Content Note:
In this course we will be viewing, reading, discussing, and writing about explicit material and concepts, including race, nations, sexuality, religion, bodies, violence, etc. If you are uncomfortable engaging intellectually and professionally with these topics in a respectful and critical manner, please consider dropping the course. All course material is required, as is your participation in all course assignments and discussions. This syllabus is a contract between students and the instructor. By taking this class students agree to abide by the requirements and complete all of the coursework.